Gluten-Free (French) Apple Pie Recipe

Tarte Tatin, originally uploaded by A Gluten-Free Guide.

Eating gluten-free in Paris proved to be much more challenging than my incredible travels to Italy last year. The French pastries and bread that abound do not offer many gluten-free alternatives. But my friend Katie, an incredible gluten-free hostess, was determined to introduce me to the amazing French food. She took a cooking class the week before my arrival and was determined to find a way to make some of the dishes safe for Ms. Gluten-Free Guide. One of the recipes was for a Tarte Tatin, the French version of apple pie. I am not the biggest apple pie fan, but when she suggested we make a gluten-free version of the French classic, I viewed it as a fun challenge. The actual recipe is surprisingly simple, easy and delicious but it requires a special pan that is safe to use on the stovetop and in the oven. We purchased a Tarte Tatin pan and a plate large enough to serve the pie at the French culinary store 13 a table. For the gluten-free piecrust we used a ready-made gluten-free pastry dough available at the French health food store Naturalia. In the US, I recommend using a gluten-free pie crust made from scratch or from the Gluten-Free Pantry mix. During the holidays you may be able to find a pre-made gluten-free piecrust at Whole Foods. The caramel oozes down into the crust to make it gooey and luscious. Top it with fresh whipped cream or serve warm with vanilla ice cream. This gluten-free version of the French Apple Pie converted even a skeptic like me.

Tarte Tatin Step By Step, originally uploaded by A Gluten-Free Guide.

Gluten-Free Tarte Tatin (French Apple Pie) Recipe

2/3 cup granulated sugar
½ cup sweetened butter, cut into cubes
1 gluten-free pie crust
5-6 golden apples, peeled, halved and cored
(tarte tatin pan)
(flat dish for serving)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees 

In the tarte tatin pan, heat the sugar over medium without stirring until it becomes caramelized. Once the sugar has caramelized, remove the mould from the heat and add the butter, again without stirring.

Place the apples flat side up (round side in the sugar) in the mould until full. You may need to cut two halves into quarters in order to make sure there are no gaps between the apples.

Cover the pan and cook on the stove for 25 minutes over medium heat.

Remove from heat and let cool. Place the gluten-free piecrust over the apples, tucking under any extra crust.

Bake in 375 degree oven for an additional 25 minutes or until the crust is a golden brown.

Remove pan from oven and let cool for 15 minutes.

Cover with the flat serving dish and flip over – this will allow the caramel to infuse into the crust. Serve warm with fresh whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

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CeliacChick said,

March 7, 2008 @ 5:20 pm

Nice, fresh new look! Now there is peer pressure to give CeliacChicks a facelift! :) In cyber years we are definitely due!

Menu Monday « The Gluten Free Dance said,

March 10, 2008 @ 4:50 pm

[…] To this end A Gluten Free Guide (and her new blogsite) will be my first.  I was tempted by her French Apple Pie recipe but I thought my dh might balk at buying a $150 pan just to make a pie.  (Is there a gift […]

» A Gluten-Free Guide to Paris | A Gluten Free Guide said,

March 15, 2008 @ 12:51 am

[…] Luckily my friend and hostess Katie did everything in her power to make the weekend a fun gluten-free travel adventure. She read the French Celiac disease site before I arrived. She set up a dinner party at her place and invited Axel and Valerie, another gluten-free couple. She wanted to experiment in the kitchen with me – resulting in a decadent gluten-free French apple pie. […]

aylena said,

March 15, 2008 @ 4:04 pm

I made the mistake of visiting Paris a couple of months after being diagnosed – looking in the beautiful patissere windows left me feeling so deprived!! Found it difficult to get anything for breakfast and ate alot of omlettes and steak frites when I was there and lost quite a few kilos, the opposite to most visitors…

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