Gluten-Free Sandwiches in NYC at Friedman’s Deli

Gluten-Free Sandwiches at Friedman's Deli web
Convenience comes back to those eating gluten-free in New York with the arrival of a gluten-free menu at Friedman’s Deli, a restaurant in Chelsea Market.
Friedman's Deli Gluten-Free Sandwiches (10) web
You can now order your fill of gluten-free sandwiches, sides, salads and deli meat in Manhattan. Friedman’s Deli offers all of the sandwiches on its menu on gluten-free mock-rye bread from the Grainless Baker. While the reviews of the Grainless Baker’s bread are unanimously positive, this was the first opportunity I had had to actually sample their wares. I was shocked at how light and fresh it was, with a texture rivaling any ‘glutenous’ bread.
Friedman's Deli Gluten-Free Sandwiches (12) web
I chose to have my bread toasted and selected the egg salad for my gluten-free sandwich. It was such a luxury to know that I was eating a true NY deli sandwich that was completely gluten-free. Friedman’s toasts the gluten-free bread in the oven on a separate pan and designates a color-coded knife for cutting the gluten-free sandwiches.
Friedman's Deli Sides
The naturally gluten-free sides are served with an ice-cream scoop to prevent cross-contamination. I am not usually a fan of traditional deli sides, but the coleslaw and potato salad are crave-worthy. If the demand is there, they will next be adding fried sides to the gluten-free menu. Then you can balance the heaviness of your meal by ordering a salad….hmm, with three different types of meat, the salad isn’t light, but sure is tasty.
Friedman's Deli Gluten-Free Sandwiches (6) web
A big thanks is owed to the manager of Friedman’s and Vanessa Tayler Phillips for implementing the gluten-free menu. Vanessa runs the company Food Matters and is also responsible for developing the delicious gluten-free offerings at the restaurants PizzaBolla and Lilli and Loo.

Read about Kelly’s gluten-free lunch at Friedman’s on the CeliacChicks. I know I can’t get enough!

Friedman’s Deli

Chelsea Market
75 Ninth Ave
New York, NY 10011
(212) 929-7100

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Erin said,

June 17, 2008 @ 4:35 pm

Ms. Guide, what an awesome review. I can’t wait to check it out ASAP and hopefully plan a meetup as well. I would love some fried side dishes. MMMM, onion rings would be amazing!


Lynn Barry said,

June 19, 2008 @ 12:42 pm

What a great find. When I visit Pat I will try this place. THANKS. HUGS.

Gluten Free Steve said,

June 28, 2008 @ 2:26 am

Oh wow, what I wouldn’t give for a good NY deli sandwich…pastrami or corned beef. And the pickles and potato salad. YUM!

Sorina said,

July 3, 2008 @ 12:23 pm

Very Very visually appealing…great presentation

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